Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Blog Challenge - Greatest Summer Memory

So ... my greatest summer memory. My greatest memory is just the freedom and excitement of it being summer as a kid. You had no worries. You woke up, maybe had some cereal, played, at lunch, played, came in for dinner, played, took a bath, went to bed, and repeated everything the next day. I remember looking at the sky a lot back then. I was in deep wonder about how big of a world we lived in, but still felt so secure about my little part in which I lived.

Want to hear something weird? I love the smell of skunk. Want to know why? It's because it immediately reminds me of summers when I was a kid. When I was young, our house was surrounded by fields. Yep, there were a lot of skunks out there. Our little dog even got sprayed a couple of times. To the rest of the world, it is a horrible smell, but to me, it takes me back to a much simpler time.

Now, how does one scrap the smell of skunks?


Amy said...

that is very wierd! i will never forget the day our dog got sprayed! we left him outside all night, he howled all night too. Then we gave him a bath in tomato juice- didn't help much!

Ellie said...

Yes I agree with the summer memories of not having to do anything just be. No worries, wasn't it great!