Thursday, February 7, 2008

The End Is Near!

As much as I have enjoyed working on my CK HOF entry, I must say that I am totally relieved that it is almost submitted! All of my layouts are finished and my supply lists are complete (probably - I still have some checking to do). Now I just have to get everything together to submit it electronically! Here's a picture of the aftermath. Note that I'm just showing you my desk. If I showed the rest of the area, you'd have to find Waldo!

I know that it sounds like I'm making it up, but I feel like I'm already a winner (gush). Honestly, I pushed myself so much through this contest, that I feel I have really grown as a scrapper. If anything, I am more prepared to submit to future calls and contests with much more confidence!

Good luck to all my fellow entrants: May the Best 10 Scrappers Win!


Anne Marie said...

Julie, I can't wait to see your entries. What a great accomplishment that is! Way to go!

PattiM said...

Whoooo Hooooo. Congrats on finishing.......I can't wait to see your creations...

Pattie's passion

Samantha said...

Congrats on getting everything done!!

Trishamaus2005 said...

What an accomplishment! I can't wait to see your LOs. Hope you have a wonderul week :)

Rachel said...

Congratulations to you! Give yourself a pat on the back.


Rachel said...

What an accomplishment! When you work that hard you deserve to feel like a winner!

It'll be exciting when we get to see all of your LOs :)