If you've been tagged, list 7 random facts about yourself and list the 7 people you are going to tag.
Here are my 7 random facts:
Here are my 7 random facts:
- After nearly 4 decades, the best friend I found at birth, Jennifer, is still my best friend today. I'm pretty sure she still claims me too! Today (11/26) is also her birthday.
- I used to own my own meal preparation business called, "You're the Chef," in Flint, Michigan. We closed a little over a year ago due to the economy.
- I am a huge fan of the stage play Annie (not so much the movies though). My two daughters are following in my footsteps.
- I studied musical theatre in college and did one regional commercial for a home improvement store the summer after I graduated. It was my one and only professional credit.
- I have a masters degree in public administration (I am a master bureaucrat).
- If I could, I would be happy to survive on a diet of pizza, gyros and Halo Burger.
- My husband and I pulled off a military wedding just 4 days after 9/11. Our honor guard dropped from six to two, but I still walked under the sabers and Allen was not ordered to report (we even made the Hawaiian honeymoon)!
- Melegs;
- Hickschick;
- Candice;
- HappyScrappySam
- TonyaB;
- Julie - not me, another Julie; and
- Artsychick - a new Memory Makers Master!